About the author

Carlos Barrios is a Jr L&D specialist with work experience in the UK, Belgium, Spain and the US. He holds a BA+MA in Pedagogy at Work, a CIPD-certified PG Diploma in HR Management, and has undertaken research on the use of ICT for education and training at the University of California, Irvine – working at its Center for Learning through the Arts and Technology and as a Graduate Researcher at the UCI Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality.

He works as L&D Coordinator at the European Commission and as Educational Advisor for the European Schools of Brussels (II and III), having also been HR trainee at the Red Funnel Group. He speaks English, French and Spanish, and can communicate in Dutch.

Apart from his interest in the field of Team Building, he is fond of researching on the use of ICT for L&D, and is still convinced we have not yet found the best developments to enhance human learning through technology, which will happen through an inspirational mix of creativity, interdisciplinary smartness and open collaboration.

You can reach Carlos on Twitter: @CarlosBarriosC

Opinions and views expressed by Carlos are hims and do not engage in any way any institution or employer he works or have worked for.